Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sunday April 3rd 2011 The Wellington Zoo

Since this was one of the 1st weekends that my friends and I have not had travel plans we decided to visit the local zoo. Since we are in the middle of Autumn here it is starting to get windier and colder so we figured this was the best time to see the animals at the zoo before the weather becomes rainy and very cold. The Wellington zoo is a lot like the Children Zoo in Lincoln. It is probably the same size but with possibly less animals. Since Wellington has mountains it only made  since that we would be walking up and down hills in the zoo as well since it was right along side a mountain. There were certain activities at different times like animal shows, giraffe feeds, and veterinarian showings. The veterinarian showings were at random dates at which the public could watch a vet work on an animal from outside the wall and ask questions to the vet by pushing an intercom button. It would've been cool to see how much I knew about what the vets would be discussing with the audience. Another thing I found odd was that the cages seemed rather small for each exhibit and I felt like the animals could practically jump out of their exhibit or I could reach in and steal an animal...herbivore and carnivore's alike...you will notice this on how close the pictures are.
       I was also able to play in my first soccer game in New Zealand. The Uni here is very unorganized with sports and for the past couple of volleyball and this soccer game we have played all guy teams. The team we played in our social league also had matching jerseys..very dedicated apparently. The guys on my team said they were impressed with my playing abilities and said it was fun to watch me play...I'm so glad  I was able to provide entertainment for them ;)   After the game we also get a card for free 2 large pizzas at a bowling alley. Some of the girls and I went after the game and had some amazing pizza and Apple Cider.
This blue penguin was at the front of the zoo...he was in the same position when we left.
These otters were up to something because when we came to their exhibit they wined and followed us all the way around their exhibit. They looked at us as if to invite us in as good friends.


Sun Bear..smallest of the bear family. This guy spent his time trying to saw this log.
Maybe he dreams of being a beaver?
Ah-oh I think her heard me making fun of him
Yes we are right by this fence...same fence they use to keep children on the playground at school

We were right next to these giraffes..if you put your hand out they would think you had food and they would come right up to you so you could touch them. They did not like that trick.
Giraffe's tongues are a dark blue/purple because they have built in sunblock to keep their tongues from being burnt or blistered by the African sun as they find food in the trees. They also only need about 2 hours of sleep a day...much less than any other mammal.

We probably shouldn't have been touching him..but he was so close to us and very nice :)
The view of the city from the zoo.
These chimps had the right idea to shield themselves from the freezing wind
Funny how these guys can climb trees with food in hand but apparently cannot climb a chain-link fence
Red panda...These guys were simply in the trees as we were walking around the zoo

Soccer Team 

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