Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday and Sunday April 9-10 Weekend of Sports

Since there was no traveling this weekend my friends and I decided to catch up on some local sports and activities. While I had a soccer and volleyball game our friend had a local rugby game and Cortland competed in the University Hall swimming competition. Dominique won his rugby game, I tied my soccer game, and Cortland did very well in swimming! The people representing our hall all were from different flats which made us look like a random group of people off the street while other halls were all kiwis so they had uniforms and looked like they were on a club swim team. All in all it was fun to watch and a good experience.
 Dom's team in a huddle before the game

 Both teams in the scrum to get the rugby ball.
 Dominique is on the right side #20. He is the captain of his team as well.
 This is how the throw-ins are received in rugby. It is called a line out.
 The pool that was used is located by the harbor because our campus rec center is much too small to house a pool.

 Ben getting ready to texting?
 Hollis is very confused on what we are doing...considering we were one of the only teams without a coach apparently.
 Talking to the man with the clipboard..he must have answers for us right? Kiwi's are known to be unorganised; this is probably one of those times.
 Stephen, one of the two boys swimming for our flat.
Cortland and Hollis off to warm up!
 Go team!

 Stephen at the starting line
 Stephen, Hollis, and Cortland all ended up placing or getting 4th place...not too shabby

The team (Me, Jennifer, Ben, Stephen, Hollis, and Cortland, I am unsure of the other girl's name because I didn't even know she was swimming for us until this picture: oops!)...I am just in it because I tried to get in a free swim and a rest in the sauna without having to actually didn't work I had to have a wrist band on to use the facility.

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