Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb. 8th 2011 Lectures

Today I woke up and had a huge breakfast with the kids in my home stay. We then dropped off the children at their school and headed to University of South Pacific where we had our Pre-history lecture, tea (which means tons of food and tea!), our culture lecture, then lunch. We were suppose to have another lecture but the teacher was stranded on another island and could not make it until tomorrow. Each lecture was an hour and a half. The rest of the day we looked around to find internet places to see the prices. Many bars were wanting us to come in and gave us special seating...They like Americans because we probably give them the most money.

Big lecture hall at USP


  1. Great pic's Megan! They are so beautiful! Makes me homesick for the sunshine of Tucson!! Miss you!
    Love Yve, Amy & Jason

  2. Wow Megan great stuff feel like I'm there with you,, keep it up it is nice to follow you,,, have a good time, learn a lot and take care of yourself...
