Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb. 28th 2011 First Day of Lectures

Today I had my Maori Culture and Moral and Political Philosophy classes. The lecture halls look exactly like the ones at home but the teachers definitely dress more casual here. I also found that there are multiple lecturers teaching the classes and different ones will show up at different dates depending on what we are learning that day. In my Maori class we will be learning the language as well as having to sing songs and do research. We also will be taking mini field trips. This teacher had a cool tattoo along her for arm and kept using the word Brazz ("it really brazzes me off when"....(pretty much saying this really pisses her off when...)). Here if you say that you are pissed off it means that you are really drunk.  For the Maori class we had to go to another building to sign up for a tutorial/recitation class. Here they call these classes "tutes". My philosophy class lecturer seemed very chill and down to earth and had a much easier accent to follow. He kept on telling us we have to open our minds. Another weird thing that they do in every class and ask for someone to volunteer to be the class representative. This person will be able to talk for the whole class and if someone has an issue they can tell the rep and they can take the issues to the teacher. All in all it was a successful day! Now I have to just deal with the long lines at the book store so I can start doing my readings.

1 comment:

  1. Megan, keep up the good writings. I feel like I am there. Wonderful job.
